A empresa de microcrédito VAYVND emite microempréstimos a particulares em linha e nas agências.
A sociedade de microcrédito FinaGuru concede empréstimos em linha a curto e longo prazo a particulares. A organização não tem uma rede de agências; opera remotamente através da Internet.
Creditnice é uma empresa de microfinanças em atividade desde 2013. É especializada em empréstimos com processamento online, incluindo para pagar compras a parceiros; também emite cartões de crédito virtuais e disponibiliza linhas de crédito.

Typically, to apply for a loan, you must indicate your phone number in the application form. If you do not want to leave your number in other places, you can contact a company that does not require it when registering. To apply for a loan, just leave an application on the IFC or MCC website. On this page you will learn about companies where you can get a loan without a phone number. When choosing, consider the amount and term, interest rate, requirements for borrowers and other conditions.
You can get a loan if you don’t have your phone with you or it’s turned off
You will also avoid advertising calls from the company during and after the microloan term.
Most MFCs and MCCs still require a phone number when applying for a loan
Over the phone, the company can warn you about technical problems or remind you about the repayment date of the microloan