Empréstimos a 6 meses

Início " Empréstimos a 6 meses

A empresa de microcrédito VAYVND emite microempréstimos a particulares em linha e nas agências.

A sociedade de microcrédito FinaGuru concede empréstimos em linha a curto e longo prazo a particulares. A organização não tem uma rede de agências; opera remotamente através da Internet.

Creditnice é uma empresa de microfinanças em atividade desde 2013. É especializada em empréstimos com processamento online, incluindo para pagar compras a parceiros; também emite cartões de crédito virtuais e disponibiliza linhas de crédito.

Creditify é um serviço de emissão de empréstimos urgentes em linha para um cartão bancário. Pode contrair um empréstimo sobre um cartão desta empresa para diversos fins. Não são necessários comprovativos de rendimentos nem fiadores.

Loan for 6 months online

A standard short-term loan is issued before payday for up to 30 days. But many microfinance organizations have expanded their product range with long-term microloans. You can borrow a larger amount for up to 6 months. Requirements for the borrower depend on the specific microfinance organization. In some cases, a six-month loan is issued as a separate product available to all clients. Other companies thus provide special conditions for regular customers.

Features of loans for six months

A 6 month loan is similar to a bank loan. Then you can get more than with a regular microloan – up to $100,000, and the interest rate will be lower. Repayment is made not in one payment, but in installments, for example, weekly or monthly. The schedule is set individually depending on the program and the total loan term. You can submit an application and receive money online, without leaving your home.

A microloan for 180 days is suitable if you urgently need a large amount of money, but the bank refuses. The ability to pay off the debt in installments reduces the debt burden, and a small rate reduces the amount of overpayment. But compared to bank interest, the overpayment will still be higher. In addition, not all MFCs or MCCs provide long-term loans.


Interest rates on long-term loans are lower than on short- and medium-term loans
The debt amount will be divided into equal parts, which can be conveniently repaid in monthly payments
The requirements for borrowers are minimal, so even clients with a bad credit history will be able to take out a microloan for a long time


Large amount of overpayment
Limited offer of such microloans for new clients

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