Empréstimos sem registo no passaporte

Início " Empréstimos sem registo no passaporte

A empresa de microcrédito VAYVND emite microempréstimos a particulares em linha e nas agências.

A sociedade de microcrédito FinaGuru concede empréstimos em linha a curto e longo prazo a particulares. A organização não tem uma rede de agências; opera remotamente através da Internet.

Creditnice é uma empresa de microfinanças em atividade desde 2013. É especializada em empréstimos com processamento online, incluindo para pagar compras a parceiros; também emite cartões de crédito virtuais e disponibiliza linhas de crédito.

Creditify é um serviço de emissão de empréstimos urgentes em linha para um cartão bancário. Pode contrair um empréstimo sobre um cartão desta empresa para diversos fins. Não são necessários comprovativos de rendimentos nem fiadores.

To apply for a microloan, you sometimes do not need registration information. This is convenient in some situations – for example, if a person lives in another region. The application can be completed online and money will be received via bank card, e-wallet or money transfer. When choosing, consider the amount and term, interest rate, requirements for borrowers and other conditions.

Empréstimos sem registo no passaporte


Convenience of registration for clients who live in a region other than their place of registration
Possibility to take out a loan around the clock without visiting the MFO office
Fast consideration of the application and transfer of funds
Opportunity to receive a microloan with temporary registration
Various ways to withdraw money – to a bank card or account, to an electronic wallet, by cash transfer


A limited number of microfinance organizations lend to clients without registration
You can borrow a small amount for a short period of time

Features of obtaining a loan
When applying for a loan online, the microfinance company requires the client to undergo identification. This means providing a photo of the passport separately as a document, and also in the hands of the owner. The photograph must show the person’s face and passport details.

Some MFOs conduct video identification. This measure will make sure that the request for a microloan was submitted by the passport holder, and not by another person who wants to use someone else’s passport data.

Loans without registration – frequently asked questions

Can I not inform the microfinance organization that I do not have a residence permit?
When filling out the form, you must provide only reliable information. When checking the application, any discrepancies will raise suspicions of fraud, and the client will be refused. Indicate the address of your actual residence or temporary registration details so that the microfinance organization does not have any questions.

How quickly can I get a loan?
If you apply online, the procedure will take no more than half an hour.

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